Online Wills
Online Wills
Online Wills
Estate Plan Lawyer » Online Wills

Online Will and Testament

Protect loved ones and distribute your assets

Everyone with any assets and a family should do some basic estate planning to prevent problems for their loved ones in the future.

Without a will, assets may not get to where they are needed, children may not be in the care of who you intended, and state inheritance laws may lead to excessive taxes.

However, writing a will can be an overwhelming task and many people don’t know where to start.

At The Estate Planning Law Firm, PLLC, we take the mystery out of writing wills and make the process simple, effective, and affordable.

With the help of our wills lawyers, you can prepare a legally enforceable to ensure that your wishes are carried out and loved ones are protected after you are gone.

Our Wills Packages

Your last will and testament detail your wishes after you are gone. This includes distribution of your assets, instructions for guardianship of children (if applicable), and other important matters.

At The Estate Planning Law Firm, we believe that planning for your family should be a top priority. This is why we have simplified the process for completing these plans.

Our lawyers have put together a number of affordable and simple wills packages to help you easily navigate through this process.

The Essential Package (Individuals)


The Essential Package (Couple)


  • Create a last will and testament
  • Choose a medical power of attorney
  • Choose a financial power of attorney
  • Designate a guardian for your children
  • Create a last will and testament
  • Choose a medical power of attorney
  • Choose a financial power of attorney
  • Designate a guardian for your children
  • Create joint or mutual wills
  • Create pour-over will

The Essential Package (Individuals)


  • Create a last will and testament
  • Choose a medical power of attorney
  • Choose a financial power of attorney
  • Designate a guardian for your children

The Essential Package (Couple)


  • Create a last will and testament
  • Choose a medical power of attorney
  • Choose a financial power of attorney
  • Designate a guardian for your children
  • Create joint or mutual wills
  • Create pour-over will

Additional Wills Services

While writing a will is the ideal starting place in estate planning, it is only one aspect of a full estate plan. Our lawyers can also help with the following:

  • Living wills

    A living will attorney can create a document that outlines your wishes about end-of-life medical treatment, including life support if you become incapacitated and unable to decide or speak for yourself.

  • Guardianship

    Our attorneys can also arrange temporary guardianship, limited guardianship, adult guardianship, or guardianship over a minor, depending on your requirements.

  • Conservatorship

    US federal laws allow a judge to appoint an individual, corporation, or professional to manage the financial affairs, health care, and living arrangements for another individual. We can help with this.

  • Medical Power of Attorney

    A medical power of attorney allows you to nominate a trusted person to make decisions about your health care and wellbeing if you are no longer able to due to incapacity.

  • Financial Power of Attorney

    Who will look after your finances if you are unable to? To enable someone to act on your behalf regarding your financial matters, you need a financial power of attorney agreement.

Wills vs. Trusts

Wills and trusts can be connected (as in the case of a pour-over will) or separate entities that achieve different things in your estate plan. With the help of an estate planning lawyer, you may set up trusts during your lifetime that are used for various purposes in transferring property.

Generally, trusts provide another party with the authority to handle your assets for the benefit of a beneficiary or beneficiaries. A good example is a trust that sets up the transfer of property to a minor child when he or she reaches 18.

Trusts can be “living” documents or apply only after you die. One of the benefits of trusts is that your loved ones may be able to avoid the probate process. There may also be tax benefits.

Some people mistakenly believe that if you have a will, you do not need a trust or vice versa.

Depending on your specific circumstances, you can create trusts in addition to a will. Each document can help you plan for the future and the protection of your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

This varies greatly from one law firm to the next. At The Estate Planning Law Firm, PLLC, we purposely make it affordable for anyone to make a will as you should not need to be wealthy to leave your assets to your loved ones.

Our packages are available from as little as $123 for the simplest wills, up to $234 for more complex estates.

Yes, you can prepare a will online, as long as you comply with all federal and state laws.

At The Estate Planning Law Firm, PLLC, our will attorneys create carefully worded will documents that will be legally binding upon completion.

Depending on the type of will you want, you may need to notarize it and sign an affidavit (for self-proving wills, for instance).

At least two witnesses are needed for most wills.

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